Post Offer (Pre-placement) Testing

Ensuring physically capabilities in the workplace.

A pre-placement (post offer) exam is a medical examination to determine the employee’s ability to perform the essential physical demands of the job and to verify that the employee does not pose a significant risk of harm to self and others. Only after a candidate has been found to be otherwise qualified (by education, training, credentials, experience, skills, and so forth) for a position and has been offered a job, may the employer require a medical examination.

Post Offer (Pre-Placement) Testing is designed to ensure that new employees are physically capable of performing the job they have been hired for. The screening testing asseses the employees ability to perform the physical demands of the job based on the requirements dictated in the Physical Demands Analysis.

What is the purpose of a pre-placement exam?


  • A Pre-Placement Exam is used after an offer is made to a candidate/new hire, an employer may require a medical examination to do the following:
  • Compare the individual’s compatibility with the demands of the job.
  • Establish a baseline health status data for future comparison.
  • Determine pre-existing or concurrent health-related problems.
  • Identify any working conditions that may have an impact on the worker’s health and safety.
  • Proper placement of individuals into suitable positions without risk to worker or coworker.